explore nyc's bikeshare network
search or click for a station and toggle the lightning bolt and arrow to select ride type and pick ups/drop offs.
see historical patterns [live] and realtime dock/bike availability predictions [coming soon!]
improve your commute or leisure rides on citibike
models & analytics
the map above serves real-time analytics on the citibike network, with an emphasis on tracking trip starts (pick-ups) and ends (drop offs).
the model suite includes spatial-temporal cluster algorithms as well as a host of time series modeling techniques such as LSTM networks and ARIMAX.
at the cornerstone of our philosophy is research.
our modeling and data pipelines are very complex, and required a great deal of research along the way into topics like signal processing and clustering
this has yielded some cool insights into transit patterns which we'll publish here.
python package
we developed some unique tooling to read and serve analytics from lyft's real-time bike feed, which we've made available to researchers or hobbyists who use python
if you have any concerns or require support, please open a pull request on the github link in the title.
about us
transit ventures is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit in new york. we are not affiliated with citibike, lyft, or the city of new york.
questions? or want to get involved? email us at hello @t bikewatch d.t nyc